Electric Scooter for Kids Glendale California

Electric Scooter for Kids Glendale California

B. inggris permisi kak aku mau tanya nih ...

koreksi lah jawaban yg ada di foto !​

permisi kak aku mau tanya nih ...

koreksi lah jawaban yg ada di foto !​

Mixed Conditionals

  1. That cow wouldn't be thin if it hadn't been ill two days ago.
  2. Albert wouldn't go to Malaysia if he hadn't wanted to go there years ago.
  3. Benny wouldn't have bought any oranges if he didn't have much money.
  4. If Sisca had brought that money, she wouldn't go to the ATM to withdraw it.
  5. If I hadn't seen that man before, I wouldn't call him.



Mixed conditional adalah kalimat pengandaian yang induk kalimat (main clause) dan anak kalimat terjadi pada kala yang berbeda sehingga tense yang yang digunakanpun berbeda.


I am a doctor now (present) because I went to medical school (past).

I wouldn't be a doctor now if I hadn't gone to medical school.

He didn't join the employees for a drink (past) because he is the manager (present).

He would have joined the employees for a drink if he weren't the manager.

Induk kalimat dari kalimat pengandaian adalah klausa yang menyatakan hasil (result).

Jika pada kalimat fakta result dalam

  1. present, maka di kalimat pengandaian menggunakan future in the past (would/could/should + infinitive).
  2. past, maka di kalimat pengandaian menggunakan modals of lost opportunity (would/could/should + have + past participle).

Anak kalimat dari kalimat pengandaian adalah klausa yang menyatakan syarat (condition). Klausa ini disebut juga if-clause.

Jika pada kalimat fakta condition dalam

  1. present, maka di kalimat pengandaian menggunakan past simple.
  2. past, maka di kalimat pengandaian menggunakan past perfect.


Fakta → I know Mandarin. (present)

Pengandaian → I wouldn't know Mandarin.

Fakta → I lived in China as a child. (past)

Pengandaian → I hadn't lived in China as a child. (past perfect)

Fakta I know Mandarin. I lived in China as a child.

Pengandaian I wouldn't know Mandarin if I hadn't lived in China as a child.

Jika if-clause ditempatkan di awal kalimat, maka kita harus menggunakan tanda koma (,) sebelum main clause.

If I hadn't lived in China, I wouldn't know Mandarin.


Pelajari lebih lanjut:





Year: 12

Subject: English

Category: Structure and Written Expression

Sub-category: Conditional Sentence

Code: 12.5.2

Keywords: mixed conditional, unreal situation, past modal, modal of lost opportunity
